PKI Consortium blog

Posts by tag PKIC

    What is the PKI Maturity Model (PKIMM) and how can you contribute?
    July 11, 2022 by Roman Cinkais (3Key Company) Maturity model PKIC PKIMM
    The PKI Consortium recently established the PKI Maturity Model Working Group to build a PKI maturity model that will be recognized around the globe as a standard for evaluation, planning, and comparison between different PKI implementations. In this blog post we will tell you more about why we are building the model and how you can contribute to it.

    An open letter to Apple
    March 21, 2022 by PKI Consortium Apple PKIC
    We would like to thank and also invite Apple to work more closely with organizations such as the CA/Browser Forum, ETSI and the PKI Consortium to address its concerns, work towards harmonization of policies and to support standardized automation in its software before making any changes on its own. This is because unilaterally enforced policies, especially those that go beyond your own root program, can have a disproportionate impact on PKI implementations, its relying parties and the entire ecosystem.

    PKI Consortium & ETSI sign Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
    March 3, 2022 by Sándor Szőke (Microsec) ETSI PKIC
    On 26 January PKI Consortium and ETSI signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to structure and strengthen the relationship between both organizations and foster a closer relationship.

    From CASC to the Public Key Infrastructure Consortium
    July 12, 2021 by Paul van Brouwershaven (Entrust), Chris Bailey (Entrust) CASC PKI PKIC
    Over the years, the need for private, industry, or solution-specific PKI has grown significantly, with stricter policies and the revocation of certificates and CAs becoming more common. The impact of changes in centralized PKI have caused delays and disruption of third-party services that may or may not have been considered. Any PKI (public, private, or specific) must operate according to best practices, clear policies and without a single point of failure.

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