PKI Consortium blog

Posts by tag ECDSA

    New Directions for Elliptic Curve Cryptography in Internet Protocols
    June 24, 2015 by Rick Andrews ECC ECDSA IETF NIST RSA SSL/TLS

    Last week I attended and presented at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Workshop on Elliptic Curve Cryptography Standards. In NIST’s words, “The workshop is to provide a venue to engage the crypto community, including academia, industry, and government users to discuss possible approaches to promote the adoption of secure, interoperable and efficient elliptic curve mechanisms.”

    We began by discussing the reasons for holding this workshop.  Speakers acknowledged that although there are no known issues with the current set of NIST curves, in some circles they are widely distrusted. In addition, they are almost 15 years old, not particularly resistant to side-channel attacks, and don’t perform as well as newer curves. For these reasons, many people feel that NIST should standardize on one or more new curves.

    Benefits of Elliptic Curve Cryptography
    June 10, 2014 by Wayne Thayer CA/Browser Forum ECC ECDH ECDSA Encryption RSA SSL/TLS

    Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) has existed since the mid-1980s, but it is still looked on as the newcomer in the world of SSL, and has only begun to gain adoption in the past few years. ECC is a fundamentally different mathematical approach to encryption than the venerable RSA algorithm. An elliptic curve is an algebraic function (y2 = x3 + ax + b) which looks like a symmetrical curve parallel to the x axis when plotted. (See figures below.) As with other forms of public key cryptography, ECC is based on a one-way property in which it is easy to perform a calculation but infeasible to reverse or invert the results of the calculation to find the original numbers. ECC uses different mathematical operations than RSA to achieve this property. The easiest way to explain this math is — for an elliptic curve, a line will only pass through three points along the curve (P, Q, and R), and that by knowing two of the points (P and Q), the other (R) can be calculated easily, but with just R, the other two, P and Q, cannot be derived.

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