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Posts by tag Code Signing

    Leading Certificate Authorities and Microsoft Introduce New Standards to Protect Consumers Online
    December 8, 2016 by CA Security Council CASC Code Signing FIPS HSM Identity Malware Microsoft Revocation SSL/TLS TSA

    San Francisco –December 8, 2016 – the Certificate Authority Security Council (CASC), an advocacy group committed to the advancement web security, today announced the Code Signing Working Group has released new Minimum Requirements for Code Signing for use by all Certificate Authorities (CA). These requirements represent the first-ever standardized code signing guidelines. Code signing is the method of using a certificate-based digital signature to sign executables and scripts in order to verify the author’s identity and ensure that the code has not been changed or corrupted. Helping to verify software authenticity and avoid downloading malware and other malicious software is critical to protecting consumers’ online interactions. Microsoft is the first applications software vendor to adopt these guidelines, with others expected to follow.

    Minimum Requirements for Code Signing Certificates
    July 20, 2016 by Bruce Morton (Entrust) CA/Browser Forum CASC Code Signing FIPS HSM Malware Microsoft Revocation TSA

    It is time for an update on the Baseline Requirements for Code Signing.

    First the bad news, the new standard was not approved by the CA/Browser Forum due to philosophical differences among some forum members who felt code signing was not in scope with the Forum’s charter.

    The good news is the document was created in a multi-stakeholder environment and substantially improves the current management processes. As such, it was decided to bring the document outside of the forum and finalize it as part of the CA Security Council. The CASC members and others will continue to enhance and manage the document. Microsoft also supports the document and has added the requirement to use the new standard for code signing certificates by February 1, 2017.

    TLS Certificates on the Web – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
    May 17, 2016 by Rick Andrews CA/Browser Forum Code Signing ECC Encryption EV Hash Function PKI Policy RSA SSL/TLS

    It might be hard to believe, but the SSL/TLS Ecosystem is nearly 20 years old. It’s time to take stock and see how we’re doing with regards to TLS certificates. In this article, we’ll primarily discuss certificates themselves and not web server configuration, although that is often a source of problems.

    In the last few years, we’ve endured three major certificate-based migrations:

    • Away from the MD2 and MD5 hash algorithms to SHA-1
    • Away from small RSA keys to 2048-bit keys or larger
    • Away from the SHA-1 hash algorithm to SHA-256

    What’s driving these migrations? Primarily, it’s the relentless march of attacks. As Bruce Schneier says, “Attacks always get better; they never get worse.” To stay ahead of these attacks, Certification Authorities and browser vendors joined together several years ago to form the CA/Browser Forum, and published several requirements documents: the Baseline Requirements, the EV SSL Guidelines and the EV Code Signing Requirements.

    2016 – Looking Back, Moving Forward
    December 14, 2015 by Bruce Morton (Entrust) Attack CA/Browser Forum CAA Chrome Code Signing DH Encryption Firefox Google Hash Function IETF Microsoft MITM OpenSSL Policy RC4 Revocation RSA SSL/TLS TLS 1.2 TLS 1.3 Vulnerability

    Looking Back at 2015

    A number of new tactics proved 2015 was no exception to an active year defending against ever increasing security issues. Vendors found new and creative ways to provide vulnerabilities including the now popular man-in-the-middle (MitM) attacks.  MitM as well as a host of other new vulnerabilities caused browsers to rethink their security requirements.  This article gives a flashback of the exploits and industry changes from 2015 and looks ahead at the latest security requirements and how it impacts IT security teams.

    Code Signing Baseline Requirements
    November 30, 2015 by CA Security Council CA/Browser Forum CASC Code Signing Identity Malware

    You may have heard that the CA/Browser Forum is getting ready to approve Baseline Requirements for Code Signing certificates. But why is this important?

    Let’s back up and get some background on code signing.  Software code that is digitally signed indicates to the user that the code has not been tampered with since it was signed. It also provides authenticity as to who signed it and when.  With the advent of malware, it’s important to insure that the code which was written by the developer is the same code which you downloaded and installed into your computer or mobile phone. A digital signature is like a shrink wrap, protecting the code from modification without detection. Second, the code is signed with a digital certificate issued by a public certificate authority which has performed a verification check on the identity of the author. Malware authors don’t like to be identified, hence the likelihood of a legitimate code signing certificate being issued to a malware author is decreased.

    What Are “Application Reputation” and “Publisher Reputation”?
    August 27, 2015 by Ben Wilson Code Signing Malware Microsoft

    As one dog says to the other in Peter Steiner’s classic New Yorker cartoon– “On the Internet, nobody knows you’re a dog.”

    Software downloaded from the Internet is similar to people on the Internet–it is hard to tell which ones are dogs–without help, which is what “application reputation” technology provides.    “Application reputation” and “publisher reputation” are methods employed by Microsoft’s SmartScreen and other systems to distinguish good software from bad software as it is downloaded from the Internet.  Reputation works similar to the way that we develop trust in other people– we study them over the course of multiple encounters or, if we don’t have prior experience with them, then we rely on others for information about reputation.

    Lenovo Enables Man-in-the-Middle Attacks Via Superfish Adware
    February 20, 2015 by Doug Beattie (GlobalSign) Attack Code Signing Firefox Malware Microsoft MITM Mixed Content SSL/TLS Vulnerability

    Lenovo is selling computers that contain the Superfish application which “supplements” the user’s SSL sessions to enable their adware application to deliver content transparently; however, due to poor security design this leaves users vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks.

    How it was supposed to work

    Superfish uses the program “Visual Discovery” to process images in browser content and then displays ads for similar goods and services. This sounds like any other adware application, but in order to maintain SSL sessions and not alert users with security warnings, Superfish is serving up these images over https. They were able to do this by creating SSL certificates on the fly that imitate the certificates on the “real” websites they have intercepted and using them in a local SSL proxy to deliver content from the Visual Discovery server over the same apparent domain, without clearly revealing what they have done.  This is a classic “man in the middle” or MITM process.

    2015 – Looking Back, Moving Forward
    January 6, 2015 by Bruce Morton (Entrust) Apple Attack CA/Browser Forum CAA Chrome Code Signing EV Firefox Forward Secrecy Google IETF Malware Microsoft MITM Mozilla OpenSSL PKI Policy RSA SHA1 SSL 3.0 SSL/TLS TLS 1.0 TLS 1.2 TLS 1.3 Vulnerability

    Looking Back at 2014

    End of 1024-Bit Security

    In 2014, the SSL industry moved to issuing a minimum security of 2048-bit RSA certificates. Keys smaller than 2048 are no longer allowed in server certificates. In addition, Microsoft and Mozilla started to remove 1024-bit roots from their certificate stores. Hopefully, the key size change will support users through to 2030.

    Code Signing Baseline Requirements
    October 20, 2014 by Jeremy Rowley CA/Browser Forum CASC Code Signing Malware Microsoft Vulnerability

    Code signing certificates are used to sign software objects to authenticate that they originated from a verified source, allowing developers to avoid warnings commonly displayed by application software vendors such as Microsoft operating systems and Java. A fraudulent code signing certificate can wreak havoc on networks, spreading malware and adware without restraint. Certificate Authorities are tasked with ensuring that code signing applicants are legitimate entities and provide accountability for use of the certificate.

    Google Plans to Deprecate SHA-1 Certificates – Updated
    September 24, 2014 by CA Security Council Announcement Attack CASC Chrome Code Signing Google Microsoft Policy SHA1 SSL/TLS

    UPDATED September 23, 2014: The following blog post has been updated with action taken in recent weeks, as well as to reflect helpful user comments left on our August 28 blog post on this topic.

    On August 19, Google announced a new policy that accelerates the deprecation of SHA-1 certificates, potentially causing websites using SHA-1 certificates to display warnings in the near future. While keeping with an earlier Microsoft announcement to accept SHA-1 certificates with an expiration date before Jan. 1, 2017, the Google policy will provide new “untrusted” warnings in regards to such certificates as early as this November.

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