
Remote Key Attestation
Remote key attestation is a capability for an entity to show to a remote party certain attributes of cryptographic keys. For example that they are generated in a hardware cryptographic module and not exportable. The PKI Consortium is working to promote the adoption of remote key attestations and is managing a list of cryptographic modules describing their attestation capabilities.

PKI Maturity Model (PKIMM)
The PKI Maturity Model draws inspiration from the renowned Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) developed by Carnegie Mellon University. It provides organizations with the tools to gain swift insight into the current capabilities and performance of their PKI, facilitate confidential benchmarking against similar entities based on size or industry, receive actionable guidance to enhance PKI capabilities, and elevate overall PKI performance.

PQC Capabilities Matrix (PQCCM)

The PKI Consortium is managing a PQC Capabilities Matrix (PQCCM) of software applications, libraries and hardware that includes support for Post Quantum Cryptography, without endorsing their implementation or quality.

The list includes a wide variety of software applications, libraries, and hardware from different vendors. The list should be considered a living document and a starting point. Considering the rapid change in the area such things can vary from day to day and complete freshness of information can only be gathered from vendors directly.

List of Trust Lists
A global list of CA certificates trusted by public, private, industry, or solution-specific PKI

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