Assessment process

The PKI Maturity Model assessment process consists of the following steps:

1ScopingThe scope definition is the first step of the assessment process. The scope defines the boundaries of the assessment and the applicability of the requirements.Scoping
2AssessmentThe assessment is the process of evaluating the maturity of the PKI environment against the requirements defined in the maturity model within the boundaries of defined scope.Assessment
3EvaluationThe evaluation is the process of analyzing the results of the assessment and determining the maturity level of the PKI environment.Evaluation
4ReportingThe reporting is the process of documenting the results of the assessment and evaluation.Reporting
flowchart LR
  subgraph Maturity level assessment
    direction LR
    Scoping --> Assessment --> Evaluation --> Reporting

Continuous improvement

While the assessment process is a one-time event, the continuous improvement is an ongoing process. The continuous improvement process is intended to ensure that the maturity level of the PKI environment is maintained and improved over time.

Continues improvement iterates over the assessment and evaluation processes with additional steps:

Action PlansThe action plans are the process of defining the actions that are required to improve the maturity level of the PKI environment.Action Plans
ImplementationThe implementation is the process of implementing the actions defined in the action plans.Implementation
  subgraph Continuous improvement
    direction LR
    subgraph Maturity level assessment
      direction LR
      Scoping --> Assessment --> Evaluation --> Reporting
    subgraph Improvement
      direction RL
      a[Action Plans] --> Implementation
    Implementation --> Scoping
    Reporting --> a[Action Plans]
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