Izenpe is a member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)

Izenpe is a member of the PKI Consortium

Izenpe is a project promoted by the Basque Government and the Basque Provincial Councils for the promotion of e-government and e-government in the Basque Country.

Certification and services Company

Izenpe is a public limited company set up in 2002. It’s a project promoted by the Basque Government and the Provincial Councils, constituted through their IT companies: EJIE, LANTIK, IZFE and CCASA.

One of the fundamental objectives of Izenpe is to provide organizations with the necessary means to enable citizens and companies to relate to each other and to the Administrations by accessing public services with guarantees of integrity, confidentiality, non-repudiation and authenticity, with electronic identification and signature being an essential element in the implementation of these services.

This comprehensive management is been achieved through the synergy of various products, services and technological platforms that jointly and complementarily guarantee the level of service.

As a provider of Trusted Services for the Basque administrations, we offer various services to promote e-government:

  • Issuance and management of electronic identification means and electronic certificates necessary in remote relationships between citizens, entities, companies and public administrations.
  • We manage the identity federation platforms for the authentication and signature of Basque citizens and professionals, Giltza; as well as the signature services platform, Zain.
  • We provide technological services and products complementary to the management of digital identity and electronic signatures.
  • Assistance and support for citizens and users to facilitate their use and processing.
  • Applications and tools for management, signature, verification and time stamping, freely available and free of charge.

Toni Sáez

Technical Department Manager (CTO)

Toni Saez is the Izenpe Technical Manager and represents Izenpe at the PKI Consortium.

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