Data-Warehouse is a member of the PKI Consortium

Data-Warehouse provides a german native cryptographic inventorisation and management plattform with outstanding discovery capabilities PCert(TM) since more than 10 years.

PCert by Data-Warehouse

Uncovering the unknown is the simple approach and business case of our PCert by Data-Warehouse product suite. With more than 10 years of research and product experience in cryptographic processing, we help your company, vendors, and customers build a comprehensive cryptographic inventory to reach the next level of security. Our transparent and minimally invasive integration enhances your existing product and network structure with maximum automation and new features. We offer services such as preparing for and migrating to the post-quantum era, reviewing, and auditing your enterprise security processes, products, and supply chains, ensuring product compliance, and automating your administrative processes such as certificate handling or information sharing within your operations and business continuity teams. Our automation reduces the workload of your administrative teams.

Alexander Dr. Loew


Alexander is the CEO at Data-Warehouse GmbH and represents the organization at the PKI Consortium.

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