CALM is a member of the PKI Consortium (Public Key Infrastructure Consortium)

CALM is a member of the PKI Consortium

CALM is provider of consulting services and producer of CLM Certificate Lifecycle Management SaaS -service offering.

Certificate Lifecycle Management

CALM is the provider of which is a Certificate Lifecycle Management as a Service. Our offering provides tooling and automation for managing the lifecycle of PKI assets in organizations.

As by studies most of the expirations and revokings of certificates could be avoided by automation, we offer tooling for automating the process to take all necessary human interaction out of the process. This enables users to focus on more important tasks and avoid unmaintained certificates on everything from websites to IoT devices.

Tommi Grönlund


Tommi is the managing director of CALM Oy, he has been implementing multiple security related applications in enterprises around the world and one of the innovators of

Tommi Grönlund is CEO at CALM
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